
Diabetic Retinopathy Standards of Care Update with Dr. Harpster

Ends Apr 4, 2027
1 credit

$30 Enroll

Full course description

The sands of Diabetic Retinopathy management are shifting. Is CSME still a relevant term? Is panretinal photocoagulation the only management option for proliferative diabetic retinopathy? Do optometrists need to refer moderate nonproliferative retinopathy for treatment? And more updates from recent work done by the DRCR Network, which has had a profound impact on monitoring and treatment of patients with diabetic retinopathy. 

This 1-hour, asynchronous CE course focuses on clinical cases and OCT interpretation. Per COPE requirements, you must pass a 10-question post-course test with a grade of 70% or better in order to receive CE credit for this course. 


Continuing Education Details: 

California: This activity meets the "self-study" CE coursework requirements of the California State Board of Optometry. The California Board will accept a maximum of 20 hours of CE earned through the completion of acceptable documented and accredited self-study courses.

COPE: For the Council on Opometric Practitioner Education (COPE), this activity is considered as an "Asynchronous Distance" format and, depending on your state board requirements, this COPE credit type may or may not be accepted. Attendees should verify with their state board if this type of online, asychronous course will count towards CE credit in their state.

  • 1 CE Hour
  • COPE Course: 90985-TD
  • COPE Activity: 128409

Course Instructor

Sandra Harpster, OD, FAAO

Assistant Clinical Professor


Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science